Sober Soc

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All Sober Soc Events Ran

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!


Starts Mon 28th Nov 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Cost € 9.00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Leisure plex, Blanchardstown

An inter-soc event. We invite different societies to participate in a bowling competition. We will be holding it in Leisureplex Blanchardstown. We will ask people to meet our committee in the U building in Glasnevin and will make are way to the venue together 

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Sobar Open Mic Night

Starts Wed 16th Nov 2022 at 19:00
Ends at 22:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: GLA. campus, the Hive

An open mic night, run by Drama Soc,  where members will be allowed to perform. This will be paired along side a bar run by sober soc.

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Sober Soc EGM

Starts Wed 12th Oct 2022 at 18:30
Ends at 20:30
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: GLA. campus, CG05

This will be an EGM to elect several committee positions and discuss the committees plan for the rest of the semester with our membership.

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

SoberBowl Competition

Starts Thu 18th Nov 2021 at 19:00
Ends at 20:30
Cost € 7.00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: LeisurePlex Charlestown

SoberBowl is a bowling competition held in the LeisurePlex Charlestown. Society and member teams sign up for a bowling competition in aid of our charity partner, Rainbows.

Tickets cost €7, €3 of this will be donated directly to Rainbows.

Tiaras and other fun prizes are up for grabs!

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Nightmare Realm

Starts Wed 20th Oct 2021 at 18:45
Ends at 21:00
Cost € 18.00
Max 24 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Royal Dublin Society, D04 N2A4

Sober Soc are hosting a spooky event where we go to the RDS for the Nightmare Realm.

We will be going through the haunted house in pods of 5 or 6 depending on numbers.

We will be meeting at the U at 6:45, getting the 4 bus to the RDS at 7.

We will be going home together by the 4 bus at 9

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Summer in September

Starts Wed 22nd Sep 2021 at 12:00
Ends at 14:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Albert College Park

Summer in Spetember will be the first Hangover Hub of the semester. We will have a picnic in Albert College Park. Our members can chat about their summers and are encouraged to wear summery outfits. Social distancing guidelines will be abided by.

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

3k a Day Fundraiser

Starts Tue 6th Apr 2021 at 00:00
Ends at 13:00
Max 100 attendees
Type VIRTUAL Event

The aim of this event is each individual who signs up to the event is committing to walk/run 3km a day, every day, for the month of November. By the end of November, the individual will have walked/ran 90km overall. If, for example, a group of 10 of us were to participate, we collectively will have walked/ran 900km by the end of November. This will all be in aid of Rainbows Ireland and Barnardos. We aim to raise donations via iDonate and our progress will be tracked via Strava.

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