Wishing you all a fantastic summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September
From the Clubs & Societies Support and Finance teams.
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Debate Society

argumentum a fortiori

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Awards Roll of Honour
About Debate Society

DCU Debate is a society that cultivates and fosters the ancient, but useful, art of debate. The society aims to encourage the personal development of its members, whether that be in relation to self confidence or simply fine tuning our arguments. In that respect, we hold in high regard the idea that everyone should be heard and endeavor to make no judgments on the person speaking, only on their arguments. Persuasion is the name of the game here. Convince your fellow members you are right by exploring and experimenting with the different strategies used in argument.

During the year join us for a range of debates. From weekly short debates that vary in topic to large, end of semester, debate tournaments. Guest speakers will also pepper our year, bolstering our knowledge and providing workshops to develop our skills.

Debating has become synonymous with politics but we do not intend to restrict ourselves to political topics. We firmly believe in operating an open and accessible forum in which everyone, with an interest in any subject, can come along and debate. 

Current Committee 9
Auditor (name hidden)
Chairperson James O Mahony
Secretary Holly Heeney
Treasurer Michael Gheorghe Cucuiet Finn
Health and Safety Officer Samuel Weafer
Public Relations Officer Oisin Dunne
Foreign Trips Officer Eloise O Donnell Downey
Sponsorship Officer Dara Eamon Clancy
Vice Chairperson John

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