Christian Union

Come as you are, Encounter Jesus

Membership unavailable until society is unlocked by committee admin
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About Christian Union

The DCU Christian Union exists to facilitate, encourage and equip students to share the good news of Jesus Christ on campus with fellow students.

We meet together on a Tuesday night to explore what the Bible has to say on various topics, pray, support and challenge one another, and have a bit of craic on both Glasnevin and St. Patrick's campuses.

The CU also runs various events throughout the year designed so members can invite course mates who don’t usually attend CU.

The CU would love to welcome anyone who attends DCU to join, whether they are a Christian or just interested in learning more about Christianity and who Jesus is for themselves.

Current Committee 5
Chairperson Julia Malgorzata Blaszczok
Secretary Anna Cluff
Treasurer (name hidden)
Public Relations Officer Laura Emma
First Year Rep Regina

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