Science & Health Society

applying the scientific method to having the craic

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Awards Roll of Honour
2020/2021 DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Society Life
Upcoming Event 1
Only logged in / active Science & Health Society members can book / attend this event
no image Study Session
Wed 26th Mar at 17:00
at 20:00
Location: xg14? to be confirmed
Meeting: dcu

Hi Fellow members :),Join us for a collaborative study session right before exams. This is a great opportunity for anyone who needs help or wants to study together. Working in groups can ease the pressure and support your mental health as we prepare for exams . We have students from various degrees, including chemistry ,biology ,physics, nursing, athletic therapy and more ,ready to assist with lap reports and other subjects. Feel Free to come along :)  . For any updates check out our instagram page : @scienceandhealth.dcu . Everyone is welcome :)

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Study Session

Starts Wed 26th Mar at 17:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: xg14? to be confirmed
Meeting Point: dcu

Hi Fellow members :),Join us for a collaborative study session right before exams. This is a great opportunity for anyone who needs help or wants to study together. Working in groups can ease the pressure and support your mental health as we prepare for exams . We have students from various degrees, including chemistry ,biology ,physics, nursing, athletic therapy and more ,ready to assist with lap reports and other subjects. Feel Free to come along :)  . For any updates check out our instagram page : @scienceandhealth.dcu . Everyone is welcome :)

Promo Video
About Science & Health Society

Science and Health is an amazing society for students, staff and graduates. To promote science/health-based events and social activities for all its members. Some of our most beloved activities are our yearly abroad trip, pub quizzes and movie nights. The society is a great opportunity for its members to meet other people with a love for science and health even if it doesn't relate to their course. Anyone can join and participate in a wide arrange of activities we have planned throughout the year.

Want to learn more about our first-year rep role? Watch the following video:

Current Committee 15
Chairperson Rean Rahman
Secretary Hussein Sabrin Abdullah
Treasurer Santamary Thambi
Public Relations Officer Irene Mary Malaykal
Events Officer Kosi Ibebugwu
First Year Rep Emma Murphy
Inclusion and Diversity Officer Aun Syed
Marketing Officer Asha Gloria Namdabadi
Marketing Officer Oradi Tamutunga
Ordinary Committee Member Aimee Gallagher
Ordinary Committee Member Anne
Ordinary Committee Member Varsha
Sponsorship Officer Sara Elisabeth Bartley
Trips and Events Officer Marta Piasecka
Vice Chairperson Sophie O Leary

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