Wishing you all a fantastic summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September
From the Clubs & Societies Support and Finance teams.
Please be advised that the Clubs & Societies Support office and  Finance office will be closed from Monday, July 1st 2024 until Monday, August 12th, 2024. During this period, we will have no access to this email.

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German Society

Deutsch für alle!

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About German Society

Hallo und herzlich Willkommen zu Deutsch Soc DCU!

DCU German Society is for anyone with an interest in the language, even complete beginners! We want to help you learn the language through fun activities like our weekly Kaffeeklatsch, Speedfreunden and Filmabends. 

If you are studying German or even just have an interest in the language, please join! German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union, so joining us and learning even a few words will give you a great advantage.

Dankeschön und bis bald!

Current Committee 6
Chairperson Lena
Chairperson Dominik Szapozsnicsenko
Secretary Lauren Corby
Treasurer Jelihovschi Madalina
Events Officer (name hidden)
Vice Chairperson Eoin Jones

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