Clubs & Societies Office is now a Cashless Office
All payments or monies owed must be made via bank transfer or cheque. We kindly ask for your cooperation in adhering to this policy.  Please contact the office for bank details or you can find them here on the OMS under Committee Resources/Documents/Banking

Thank you for your understanding and support.

Film Society

good movies with good people

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Weekly Activity 1
Only logged in / active Film Society members can book / attend this activity
no image weekly screening
Location: DCU Glasnevin

weekly screening day might change during some weeks so keep an eye on our Instagram / Email / WhatsApp for updates.

we try to announce the film along with all other necessary info a few days before

the location of the room changes weekly too

plus we always bring snacks ;)

no image

weekly screening

Day Thursdays
From 18:00, to 21:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: DCU Glasnevin

weekly screening day might change during some weeks so keep an eye on our Instagram / Email / WhatsApp for updates.

we try to announce the film along with all other necessary info a few days before

the location of the room changes weekly too

plus we always bring snacks ;)

About Film Society

Welcome to film society! Expanding your film taste one screening at a time!

Chilling and watching a good movie with great people and some great snacks is a perfect way to unwind after a long day of lectures! That’s why we host free film screenings on campus on a weekly basis.

But that is not all... join Film Soc for cinema trips, society nights out, movie marathons, scavenger hunts, quiz nights, outdoor screenings, and fun intersociety collabs. 


Current Committee 7
Chairperson Rebeka Polakova
Secretary Liam O Malley
Treasurer Riya Blessy Ajit
Public Relations Officer Vicky Polak
Ordinary Committee Member Luca
Ordinary member Ana
Snack Officer ;) Ruairi

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