Anime & Manga Society

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Weekly Activities 2
Only logged in / active Anime & Manga Society members can book / attend these activities
Manga Monday
Location: The U - Santry

Every week we get together to discuss recent chapters of any manga our members have been reading. Members can also read from our physical library.

Weekly Anime Screenings
Location: Henry Gratten - CG05

We gather Every week and watch the first 3 episodes of 2 different anime, voted on by our members each week.

Manga Monday

Day Mondays
From 13:00, to 14:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: The U - Santry

Every week we get together to discuss recent chapters of any manga our members have been reading. Members can also read from our physical library.

Weekly Anime Screenings

Day Thursdays
From 18:00, to 21:00
Max 70 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Henry Gratten - CG05

We gather Every week and watch the first 3 episodes of 2 different anime, voted on by our members each week.

Promo Video
About Anime & Manga Society

I think the name speaks for itself, we are a society based around the development of friendships through mutual appreciation of Japanese anime and manga as well as any other facets of Japanese popular culture. Anime is for everyone, and everyone is welcome!

During term time we meet up every Thursday to watch and discuss anime that you the members have voted for in a weekly poll. Its held in a couple of different rooms, generally CG05 in the Henry Grattan.

We have a large library for both popular and obscure manga, where people can check out the first few volumes of a Manga they want to read, and return it afterwards.  We also hold a Manga Mondays event on our in the U, where we vote on a manga to read every week and chat about them.

Our activities are split between in-person events and our Discord server, which is visible to members. We're look forward to meeting everyone again, and hope we see you at our events!

Current Committee 11
Chairperson Cost
Secretary Jacky
Treasurer Jack Moynihan O Brien
Public Relations Officer Geo Fitzpatrick(She/Her)
Accessibility Officer Ash
Brand Design Officer Martyna Ciesielska
First year Representative Akin Talabi
Manga Librarian Luke Christopher Delaney
Ordinary Member Shane
Screenings Officer Percy
Trips & Events Officer Cormac

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