We welcome all Clubs and Societies to take part in the Refreshers Fair. This is a great opportunity to refresh the minds of students for what is available to join!

GLA 22nd January 10am - 3pm  - The Hive, U Building (NO stalls in The Street)
QUIET HOUR 11:30 am to 12:30 pm  (NO MUSIC PERMITTED)

This is also allows for all the new Erasmus students who are joining us this Semester to get involved in Student Life!

Music Society

Craic Agus Ceol

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About Music Society

The Music Society is open to all styles/types of musicians! Whether you sing, play an instrument, or just enjoy listening, there is something for everyone. As a new society this year, we're planning events we hope will get students to come for the music, stay for the craic. 

Current Committee 14
Chairperson Ailbhe
PRO Ciara Nitz
Secretary Cian Domican
Treasurer Mikolaj
Chamber Choir Liason officer Matthew Cullen
Equipment Officer Toby Garland
Events Officer Jonathan Barry
Events Officer Palomi
First Year Rep Sinead Manalac
Ordinary Member Fionn Kenny
Sponsorship Officer David O Donoghue
Sponsorship Officer Dylan Richards
St Pats Rep Fiachra Learmont
Vice Chairperson Eoin Roebuck

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