Wishing you all a fantastic summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September
From the Clubs & Societies Support and Finance teams.
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Marketing & Innovation Society

Providing our members with the full student experience through a combination of social an

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About Marketing & Innovation Society

Mi Soc is a society that focuses on the promotion of Marketing and Innovation through the various activities and events for our members and the wider community of DCU. Marketing and Innovation is an area that dominates the business world and expertise in such is highly demanded. By providing a society with its main purpose being the practice of both , it allows our students to be a part of a forum with others who are interested in this area. Through our events such as Hackathons and LinkedIn workshops this interaction between members can take place. At the same time, members will directly benefit by taking part in our educational events by learning skills and growing their knowledge in many areas that can be brought forward with them.

Mi Soc also aims to create a platform for students to socialise through. With the addition of our social events such as our annual Boat Party and Bets N Boogies amongst many more, we give our members the full student experience through the versatility of our activities.

Mi Soc is one of DCU’s largest growing societies and by joining, our members will be able to become a part of an unforgettable journey. One of our main focuses is to provide unique events that differ from any other society. Exclusivity to our members is given to these events both on and off campus. Off campus activities includes our trip that is solely for members of the society. Our first abroad trip took place at the end of 2019 in Hamburg, Germany where our members got the opportunity to visit the Hamburg University to view the new innovation hub alongside being able to enjoy the incredible nightlife Germany had to offer. The incorporation of both the educational and social events means there is something for everyone to partake in and enjoy during their time spent in DCU.

During these unprecedented times, the Mi Soc team aims to use our innovative abilities to adapt in areas where possible. With our knowledge on technology, we aim to improve our social media presence so that members of our society can continue to take part in events which may not be able to take place as normal. This includes the possibility of holding workshops and seminars online to maintain the safety of the Mi Soc team. Despite campus hours being cut , we will not let this affect us but rather put into focus areas that need attention. Especially for first year students, we understand networking is a major worry but we will ensure that Mi Soc can become a platform to link incoming students to one another through the versatility of the events held throughout the year. Our society already has two places on our committee for first year representatives which promotes both involvement in our society and also allows them to be a trusty spokesperson for the needs of first years throughout the college campus in terms of what they would like to see more of.

Current Committee 5
Chairperson (name hidden)
Events Officer Luisa Burke
Extraordinary Member Odhran Lang
Sponsorship Officer Harry Nolan
Vice Chair Person Leila Hogan

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