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Snowsports Society

Membership unavailable until society is unlocked by committee admin
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Posted 8th Nov 2021


Hit this link to book the ski trip you will be directed to the nuco Website and will have to paty then.


Posted 7th Nov 2021


ONLINE TRIP SIGN UPS Please read everything carefully This years 2022 ski trip will go on sale next Monday the 8th of November at 2pm The sign up link will go live at 2pm under the discussion panel of the snowsports clubs and socs site (we will post a video of where to find this so everyone can be ready) Be prepared to skip your lectures or work for the day to guarantee yourself a spot on DCUs BIGGEST AND BEST ABROAD TRIP!!! If your not a snowsports member you will not be able to gain access to the link so sign up to the society as soon as possible (or if you've signed up but not paid. So please go check if your membership is active) We will be accepting memberships up until 12pm on Monday Once you have your your spot on the booking page you will have 15 MINUTES to pay your €100 deposit to secure your spot or else it will be allocated to the next person in the waiting list. *WAITING LIST* If you just miss out on one of the 250 spots you will be automatically added to the trip waiting list so if anyone wishes to not go the first person will be added onto the trip *ALUMNI* There will be a limited amount of places for alumni this year. If you are a past DCU student who graduated in May of his year we will have a Google doc form posted before the trip goes on sale for yous to fill out. So keep your eyes peeled on our stories over the next few days. *Vaccinations* As per DCUs policy unvaccinated students will not be able to go on this trip. For those with recovery certs we are in the process of finding out if that is acceptable to go on the trip we will know this before monday See yas on the slopes xx


Posted 7th Nov 2021
Author Thomas O Dowd (Events Officer)


Please read everything carefully This years 2022 ski trip will go on sale next Monday the 8th of November at 2pm The sign up link will go live at 2pm under the discussion panel of the snowsports clubs and socs site (we will post a video of where to find this so everyone can be ready) Be prepared to skip your lectures or work for the day to guarantee yourself a spot on DCUs BIGGEST AND BEST ABROAD TRIP!!! If your not a snowsports member you will not be able to gain access to the link so sign up to the society as soon as possible (or if you've signed up but not paid. So please go check if your membership is active) We will be accepting memberships up until 12pm on Monday Once you have your your spot on the booking page you will have 15 MINUTES to pay your €100 deposit to secure your spot or else it will be allocated to the next person in the waiting list. *WAITING LIST* If you just miss out on one of the 250 spots you will be automatically added to the trip waiting list so if anyone wishes to not go the first person will be added onto the trip *ALUMNI* There will be a limited amount of places for alumni this year. If you are a past DCU student who graduated in May of his year we will have a Google doc form posted before the trip goes on sale for yous to fill out. So keep your eyes peeled on our stories over the next few days. *Vaccinations* As per DCUs policy unvaccinated students will not be able to go on this trip. For those with recovery certs we are in the process of finding out if that is acceptable to go on the trip we will know this before monday See yas on the slopes xx


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