Starts | Mon 31st Mar 2025 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 80 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Our end of year AGM to vote on committee positions and talk about our plans and anticipations for next year.
Starts | Thu 14th Nov 2024 at 23:00 |
Ends | Fri 15th Nov 2024 at 14:30 |
Cost | € 5.00 |
Max | 150 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Movember charity gig in the racket space to raise awareness for men's mental health. With DCU DJ Soc and Surf and Sail.
Starts | Thu 14th Nov 2024 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 150 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Apres night in the bernard shaw! Everyone get down for a night with ski gear and santa hats and have a good buzz!
Starts | Mon 11th Nov 2024 at 12:30 |
Ends | at 15:00 |
Cost | € 1.50 |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Kicking off The Christmas festivities the right way ? We are delighted to announce DCU Snowsports have organized a hot chocolate stand Tuesday November 4th from 1-3 pm outside the U building on Glasnevin campus !
Stop by for some ned flanders style hot chocolate made by your beautiful committee ?
We will also be taking sign ups for Kiltiernan tomorrow at the same time and place ?
Starts | Mon 4th Nov 2024 at 13:00 |
Ends | at 15:00 |
Cost | € 1.50 |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Kicking off The Christmas festivities the right way ? We are delighted to announce DCU Snowsports have organized a hot chocolate stand Tuesday November 4th from 1-3 pm outside the U building on Glasnevin campus !
Stop by for some ned flanders style hot chocolate made by your beautiful committee ?
We will also be taking sign ups for Kiltiernan tomorrow at the same time and place ?
Starts | Tue 15th Oct 2024 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 22:30 |
Cost | € 5.00 |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Our annual Snowpong tournament where we watch 40 teams battle it out to win prizes such as Jerseys, etc.
Starts | Tue 8th Oct 2024 at 17:30 |
Ends | at 22:30 |
Cost | € 5.00 |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Starts | Wed 2nd Oct 2024 at 22:30 |
Ends | Thu 3rd Oct 2024 at 03:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 350 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
A collaboration night out in Soundhouse between the Snowsports societies for DCU, TCD and UCD to promote intercollege relations.
Starts | Wed 25th Sep 2024 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This is our annual Extraordinary General Meeting for all members of the society to go over our plan for the year and to elect a new Media Officer, First Year Rep, and Second Year Rep.
Starts | Tue 9th Apr 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 150 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This is our annual general meeting where we will review the events of the year and elect our new committee for the following year
Starts | Thu 8th Feb 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | Sun 11th Feb 2024 at 14:00 |
Cost | € 175.00 |
Max | 25 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Ski & Snowboard intervarsity festival and competition
25 students who are part of the Snowsports society (committee, sub-committee, and members) will travel to Bristol for a Jibworx sponsored intervarsity weekend. This includes an intervarsity competition and a ski/snowboarding student festival, where university ski clubs from around the UK and Ireland get to meet and make connections. This event will give students the opportunity to compete in the competition, which includes: racing, freestyling, and spectating the event. This year, Jibworx are also hosting a 'pre-party' on the 9th February which will be held in Bristol and costs £5 per person. The accommodation is organised by the same company and set in Bristol, and the festival itself is held in Gloucester Ski and Snowboarding Club.
Starts | Mon 27th Nov 2023 at 17:00 |
Ends | at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 35 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
A yoga seminar will be held for snowsports members where exercises will be highlighted that can help prevent injuries and risks while snowboarding and skiing.
Starts | Tue 14th Nov 2023 at 13:00 |
Ends | at 15:00 |
Cost | € 1.50 |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Kicking off The Christmas festivities the right way ? We are delighted to announce DCU snowsports have organised a hot chocolate stand Tuesday November 14th (TOMORROW) from 1-3 pm outside the U building on Glasnevin campus !
Stop by for some ned flanders style hot chocolate made by your beautiful committee ?
We will also be taking sign ups for Kiltiernan tomorrow at the same time and place ?
Starts | Mon 16th Oct 2023 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 22:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Contestants will pair up in teams of two and partake in a competition of beer pong until there is one winner
Starts | Mon 9th Oct 2023 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 22:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Contestants will sign up with committee members to register for the event. Participants will then partner up in teams of two and compete in games of beer pong until there is one winner.
Starts | Tue 3rd Oct 2023 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 170 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This is our annual Extraordinary General Meeting for all members of the society to go over our plan for the year and to elect a new Chairperson, First Year Rep, and Second Year Rep.
Starts | Tue 28th Mar 2023 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Snow Pong is a Snowsports-themed Beer Pong tournament. It is our third time hosting this event this year and will be taking place once again in Nubar DCU. We will have music provided by DJ Society again too, and expect the event to last no longer than an hour and a half, as it is taking place directly after our AGM. The committee will be in attendance and will be splitting responsibility for set-up, clear-up and moderating the event. As this is our third tine hosting the event, both committee and society members will know and understand the running order of the event and so we expect little delays or confusion throughout the event.
Starts | Thu 9th Mar 2023 at 21:30 |
Ends | Fri 10th Mar 2023 at 03:00 |
Cost | € 25.00 |
Max | 300 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
DCU Snowsports Presents Snowball 2023!
This is a charity black tie event in aid of the Children's Health Foundation. There will be class acts performing including Seamus D alongside our friends over in DJ soc throughout the night and a huge charity raffle with unreal prizes to be won throughout the night!
Doors open 9:30pm! Be there or be square snow kids.
Starts | Thu 9th Feb 2023 at 16:00 |
Ends | Sun 12th Feb 2023 at 21:00 |
Cost | € 205.00 |
Max | 17 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
17 students who are a part of the DCU Snowsports Society (Committee, sub-committee, and members) will travel to Gloucester for a ski and snowboarding event on the 9th of February and return on the 12th of February. This event will give students the opportunity to compete in the competition, which includes: racing, freestyling, and spectating the event. The event will run from 1 pm-1 am, with acts performed at 10 pm. This will also give the students an opportunity to meet different snow sports societies from around Ireland and the UK! And also great exposure to the AfterJam brand.
Starts | Thu 9th Feb 2023 at 16:00 |
Ends | Sun 12th Feb 2023 at 21:00 |
Cost | € 205.00 |
Max | 17 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
17 students who are a part of the DCU Snowsports Society (Committee, sub-committee, and members) will travel to Gloucester for a ski and snowboarding event on the 9th of February and return on the 12th of February. This event will give students the opportunity to compete in the competition, which includes: racing, freestyling, and spectating the event. The event will run from 1 pm-1 am, with acts performed at 10 pm. This will also give the students an opportunity to meet different snow sports societies from around Ireland and the UK! And also great exposure to the AfterJam brand.
Starts | Thu 13th Oct 2022 at 06:30 |
Ends | Fri 14th Oct 2022 at 00:00 |
Cost | € 10.00 |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
60 students taking part in "snow pong" in teams of 2. Knock out rounds until there is a winning team. music will be provided by DCU's DJ society on the night. Snow sports committee members there to referee and ensure rules are followed as well as preventing hazards/ accidents
Starts | Tue 29th Mar 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 200 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
DCU SNOWSPORTS AGM is here next week. Positions elected are Chairperson, Events Officer, Treasurer, Secretary, Training Captain, PRO and Media Officer.
Starts | Tue 8th Mar 2022 at 22:00 |
Ends | Wed 9th Mar 2022 at 03:00 |
Cost | € 7.00 |
Max | 250 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
After plenty of time to recovery from Risoul 2022 we are back with a Trip Reunion in Tramline on Tuesday the 8th of March! Theme for the night TBC. We will be kicking off the night joined by the finest DJ's that were on the Trip and there will be prizes given out in the middle of the night! This event is open for people who didnt get a spot on the trip once they are members!
Starts | Mon 22nd Nov 2021 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 250 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
With the Ski Trip being sold out in less then 2 minutes we have our first preparation night in the lead up to the trip! Join us in T101 where we go through everything related to the trip and answer your questions about the trip! Attendance is mandatory if you are going on the trip. There will be a zoom link also for individuals on INTRA or Erasmus.
Starts | Thu 4th Nov 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 200 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
SnowSports Snow Pong is Back! Kicking off at 7PM for the next 3 Thursdays from Nubar DCU. Bring yourself and a mate down for the chance to win a spot on our Ski Trip.
Starts | Tue 12th Oct 2021 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 21:45 |
Cost | € 15.00 |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
30 students will go to Kilternan for a training evening on the 12th of October 2021. Students will meet at the Helix at 6PM and a bus will collect students from there at 6;30pm. After their training at Kilternan, the bus will then return everyone to DCU for around 9;45pm.
Starts | Mon 11th Oct 2021 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 170 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
??Hello hello??
This year we will be having our EGM on Monday 6:30 PM in CG12 in the Henry Grattan.
We will be giving yas an intro to the society, a run down on our plans for the year, introducing this years committee and most importantly election of a new fresher rep??
Calling on all first years that think they would suit the role of becoming our new fresher, we would strongly encourage you to run for this position as it is a great way to get involved in the society (disclaimer: you will legally have to change your name to fresher for a year ) so if your planning on running start thinking of a funny/embarrassing story to tell on the night. We will have past freshers telling their stories that got them onto the committee to give ya an idea of what's expected
Even tho we're on zoom we will make this a snowsports party so get your ski gear at the ready and we might even treat yous to this years uncut trip video?
??Also for first years please fill out the fresher application form in our bio so we can get an idea of how many are going to be running or don't and just show up on the night a put your name forward ?
Starts | Thu 15th Apr 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
SnowSports are hosting their annual general meeting where we elect who will be joining our committee next year. All committee members and members of the society will join together on a Zoom call to see who takes the new positions that are up for grabs!!!!
Starts | Tue 23rd Mar 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Gameshow of Heads or Tails as described in the title. Heads or tails is a game where participants pay to play and then compete to guess whether a coin flip will result in heads (put hands on head) or tails (put hands on tail). This keeps going until one person remains standing. The winner gets a big prize.
Starts | Tue 16th Mar 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
All committee members and society members will participate in a Game Show based on the format of the well known show “Family Fortunes'' via Zoom. There will be four participants, two hosts and a prize pool of 500 euro up for grabs for the winners. We will have several rounds with a selection of questions for the audience.
The audience using a poll will vote on the most popular answer. The four chosen contestants with make a guess at which answers were the most popular and then will be awarded points for each question round. The final round will consist of the two finalists which will battle against each other to win the game.
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