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AGM 2021 - Electing our next Committee!

Posted 29th Mar 2021
Author Pauric Leech (Chairperson)

Another year comes and goes, and this rather strange one has offered our society a lot of interesting challenges and opportunities, we're looking forward to electing our new committee via Zoom this Wedneday - March 31st - at 6pm! Come along and run for or elect one of our many committee roles and help make next years Spanish Society great!

AGM Meeting Link

Positions up for grabs -

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Treasurer
  • Events Officer
  • 2 Ordinary Members
  • 1st Year Representative

Hasta Pronto!

-Pauric Leech, Spanish Society Chairperson 2020/21

Info on our Weekly events!

Posted 25th Jan 2021
Author Pauric Leech (Chairperson)

Hola a todos!  We're looking forward to bringing you guys some great regular events! This Semester we've a lot of great virtual events on the way!

All of our Virtual Events can be accessed via our Discord Server - Link to our Discord Server

Coffee Mornings - Tuesdays at 11am

Our Coffee Mornings return! This semester come along for a chat in Spanish or English on our Discord server! A great opportunity to get some practice in and meet people in the society!

Monthly Quiz - last week of every month!

Our quizzes last semester were such a success we've decided to do them every month! They'll be on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm, come along and test your knowledge of Spanish Trivia!

Monthly Film Night

Our Monthly Film nights continue! We're looking forward to some solid greats of Spanish and Latin American cinema monthly, also on a Wednesday evening at 7!

Flamenco and Classical Guitar Workshops with DCU AIMS

We're looking forward to continuing our Guitar workshops with AIMS this semester! We'll be mixing it up with both a Flamenco and a Classical Guitar workshop a month!

You can find when all our events are happening on our Instagram @Dcuspanish or in the announcements text channel of our Discord Server!

(We are also hoping to run bi-monthly Spanish Classes this year! More info on those to come)

Bienvenido a Semestre Dos!

Posted 23rd Jan 2021
Author Pauric Leech (Chairperson)

Welcome back to Semester two folks! We hope you're all keeping well,

Last semester brought us into a lot of interesting firsts, taking on some major inter-versity co-operation with TCD and UCD Hispanic, getting involved in a brand new society charity drive, our very own Discord server and teaming up with DCU AIMS for guitar classes! 

We're all really excited to get back into some more Spanish events with you all, hoping to introduce both a weekly Spanish Coffee Morning as well as some bi-monthly Spanish lessons! More info on these events to follow soon!

Hasta Pronto!

-Pauric Leech, Chairperson

Welcome Back!

Posted 7th Oct 2020
Author Pauric Leech (Chairperson)

Welcome back folks! I'm Pauric Leech, your Chairperson for this year, and I thought it would be good to introduce myself and give a brief overview of our committees plans and ideas for the next two semesters!

I'm in my final year of Multimedia, feeling like a bit of an imposter surrounded by all these language students! The Spanish Society has always made me and my Duolingo Spanish feel very welcome and I hope this year to turn this society into a place not only where we can all improve our Spanish, but also a place where we can all dive deeply into what attracts us to the language in the first place, whether its the music (as in my case), the food, culture, dance, or anything else that helps make Spain and Latin America such fascinating parts of the world!

This year is going to be challenging and it is looking increasingly unlikely that we will be able to do our annual trip to Spain, but we are have a huge number of ideas for some brilliant online events! Including :

  • Online Social Events and Game Nights - Using the likes of Among Us, Cards Against Humanity etc.
  • Weekly Flamenco Guitar Lessons
  • Netflix Parties using popular Spanish and Latin American Films, TV Shows etc.
  • Weekly Spanish Lessons
  • (Unconfirmed) Latin Dance Lessons
  • (Unconfirmed) Flamenco Concert with John Walsh (

And this is just a taste of what we're hoping to do! We at the Committee are all extremely excited to face this challenge head on, be sure to follow us on Instagram (@dcuspanish) and join our Discord server! ( Here we will be running many of our events as well as having open text and voice channels (both in just English and just Spanish) for our members to socialize and unwind or get some practice in!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon,

¡Hasta Pronto!


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