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Hora del Café + Picnic

Starts Tue 25th Mar 2025 at 13:00
Ends at 15:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Albert College Park

Hi all, tomorrow we'll be having our last hora del café at 1pm :) The forecast looks good so we're gonna have it outside in albert college park ? we will bring some blankets too and there will be churros ? meet in the U building beforehand

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Noche de Billards

Starts Wed 19th Mar 2025 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 10 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hideout, Williams St.

Join us for a night out in the Hideout, Dublin's best billiards bar on March 19th. 10 spaces will be available and released this weekend so be sure to keep your eyes open. 

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Salsa & Bachata Workshop

Starts Thu 13th Mar 2025 at 16:30
Ends at 18:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hive - U building

We are organising a salsa and bachata workshop for our members. Two instructors from Trinity Dance School will come to campus to give this two-hour workshop.  

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Taco Night

Starts Wed 12th Mar 2025 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 12 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Pickosito Northern Mexican Taqueria

Come join us for a night of fun and good food in Pickosito Mexican Taqueria. We look forward to seeing you there. Nos vemos pronto :)

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Tapas Thursday

Starts Thu 20th Feb 2025 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 14 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Salamanca, St. Andrews St.

Holaaa, have you been craving tapas?? This Thursday join us as we visit Salamanca tapas restaurant where you can experience some delicious Spanish cuisine. We're meeting in the U building at 6pm by the ground floor elevators, alternatively you can come to the restaurant for 7pm. Please notify us if you intend to come :)

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Karaoke Night

Starts Wed 12th Feb 2025 at 17:00
Ends at 22:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Kalabasa Market

Karaoke night in 'Kalabasa Market' in collaboration with UCD Spanish Society. We expect you guys to out-preform UCD !!! Did we also mention that Kalabasa market serves delicious South American food so be sure to come with an empty stomach!


Meeting point: 18:00 in front of the elevators in the U building. 

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Hora del Taco

Starts Tue 4th Feb 2025 at 13:00
Ends at 14:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hive (With Screen)

Hola a todos, join us this Tuesday in the Hive for you daily dose of Tacos and Nachos! Be sure to come with an empty stomach, we'll provide food and drinks as well as lots of chats and UNO. 

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Dicey's Night

Starts Fri 31st Jan 2025 at 22:00
Ends Sat 1st Feb 2025 at 02:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Dicey's Basement

Buenas noches. ¿Estas listo para bailar? This January 30th we're going to the Reggaeton night cub 'Dicey's Basement'. Frequented by Dublin's Latino community, there's no better way to start your weekend! If you're feeling extra thirsty then join us in Weatherspoon's  at 22:00, otherwise join us in Dicey's for 23:40. 

Buenas noches. ¿Estas listo para bailar? Este 30 de enero vamos a la noche de Reggaeton cub 'Dicey's Basement'. Frecuentado por la comunidad latina de Dublín, ¡no hay mejor manera de empezar to fin de semana! Si tienes mucha sed, únete a nosotros en Weatherspoon's Bar a las 22:00, si no, únete a nosotros en Dicey's a las 23:40.

We can't wait to see you there!

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Intersoc Night Out!

Starts Thu 30th Jan 2025 at 19:00
Ends at 22:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Bleeding Horse, Canbem Street

Join DCU Spanish Soc, ESN Soc and French Soc this Thursday for a great night out in Dublin city. Can't decide what pubs to go to in Dublin? Don't worry we're going to go to a lot! Meet us at 19:00 in The Bleeding Horse pub on Camden Street or in the U Building @18:00. Can't wait to see you guys there. 

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Cartas y Chisme

Starts Thu 23rd Jan 2025 at 12:40
Ends at 15:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Pairc KA115

Come practice your Spanish over cards and make new friends, we got ice breakers and lots of UNO decks. Looking forward to seeing new new faces, hasta jueves!

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Movie Night

Starts Wed 27th Nov 2024 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: C135 (Henry Graten Building)

Movie Night! Ever wanted to experience a Spanish Christmas movie? Perhaps it's time to try, join us this Wednesday to watch 'A 1000km de Navidad' :) Location: C135 (Henry Graten building, 1st floor, the LCS room with all the couches)

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Karaoke Night

Starts Tue 26th Nov 2024 at 18:00
Ends at 22:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Kalabasa Market

Karaoke night in 'Kalabasa Market' in collaboration with UCD Spanish Society. We expect you guys to out-preform UCD and Trinity ??! Did we also mention that Kalabasa market serves delicious South American food so be sure to come with an empty stomach!


Meeting point: 18:00 in front of the elevators in the U building. 

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Taco Thursday

Starts Thu 14th Nov 2024 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 16 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Pickosito Northern Mexican Taqueria

Come join us for a night of fun and good food in Pickosito Mexican Taqueria. We look forward to seeing you there. Nos vemos pronto :)

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Juegos de la mesa Night!

Starts Tue 12th Nov 2024 at 18:20
Ends at 20:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Santry Room KA113

Join us for our board games night in collaboration with DCU ESN society and DCU French Society. We want you to get to make new friends and practice new languages and there's no better way then to do that over a couple of board games?

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Reggaeton Night

Starts Thu 7th Nov 2024 at 22:00
Ends Fri 8th Nov 2024 at 02:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Dicey's Basement

Buenas noches. ¿Estas listo para bailar? This November 7th we're going to the Reggaeton night cub 'Dicey's Basement'. Frequented by Dublin's Latino community, there's no better way to  enjoy your Thursday night and exprience Latin music! If you're feeling extra thirsty then join us in 'The Landmark' bar at 22:00, otherwise join us in Dicey's for 23:40. 

Buenas noches. ¿Estas listo para bailar? Este 7 de noviembre vamos a la noche de Reggaeton cub 'Dicey's Basement'. Frecuentado por la comunidad latina de Dublín, ¡no hay mejor manera de disfrutar de tu noche de jueves y exprienciar la música latina! Si tienes mucha sed, únete a nosotros en el bar 'The Landmark' a las 22:00, si no, únete a nosotros en Dicey's a las 23:40.

We can't wait to see you there!

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Cartas y Chisme

Starts Tue 5th Nov 2024 at 13:40
Ends at 16:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Páirc Room KA115

Acompáñanos en nuestro evento de 'Cartas y Chismes' en el que te ayudaremos a hablar y a ganar confianza en tu español mientras te diviertes. The event is on in GLA. KA115 (the Páirc room on the 1st floor of the U building) from 14:00-16:00 this November 5th. We look forward to seeing you there. Ther more competitive you are, the better ;)

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Noche de Peliculas

Starts Wed 30th Oct 2024 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 14 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Henry Graten Building, C135

Join us on October 30th in C135 and experience some of the best horror movies Spain has to offer :):)

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Hora del Café

Starts Tue 15th Oct 2024 at 13:00
Ends at 15:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hive (With screen)

Hola y bienvenidos,

This week we'll be hosting another Hora del Café in the Hive on Tuesday. Many snacks and games are planned, we hope to see you there!! Nos vemos martes :)

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Méircoles Mexicano

Starts Wed 9th Oct 2024 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 16 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: El Grito Mexican Restaurant

Buenas everyone!

We are glad to announce our first restaurant trip this semester. This Wednesday we want to invite you all this fabulous Mexican restaurant in Mount Joy Square. We have a table for 16 reserved. Please follow our Instagram, join our WhatsApp group chat, or check our weekly newsletter for information and the link to sign up for the trip. We look forward to seeing you all :) Hasta miércoles.

Sign up link: 

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Hora de Cafe

Starts Tue 8th Oct 2024 at 13:00
Ends at 15:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hive U Building

We will be holding a coffee morning from 13:00 - 15:30 in the Hive on Tuesday 15th. Come along, tomar café y churros y practicar el espanol! 

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Extraodinary General Meeting

Starts Thu 26th Sep 2024 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Henry Grattan

We will be meeting to elect 2 new committee members: ordinary member and 1st year rep. We will also be hosting a quiz and activities so that the members of the societies get to know each other more. 

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Annual General Meeting

Starts Wed 3rd Apr 2024 at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: XG22 Glasnevin Campus

Annual General Meeting to electo a new committee for 24/25 academic year. All positions available (Chairperson, Secretary, PRO, Treasurer & Events Officer).

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Movie Night

Starts Wed 7th Feb 2024 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: LanguaCulture Space (Grattan Building)

Movie night to watch "Snow Society", an Oscar-nominated film directed by Spanish director Juan Antonio Bayona. Pizza & pop corn will be provided.

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Salsa & Bachata Workshop

Starts Mon 4th Dec 2023 at 18:30
Ends at 20:30
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hive - U building

We are organising a salsa and bachata workshop for our members. Two instructors from Trinity Dance School will come to campus to give this two-hour workshop.  The event will take place at The Hive on Monday 4th December at 18.30.

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Karaoke Night

Starts Wed 22nd Nov 2023 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Nubar, DCU Glasnevin Campus

This event is a collaboration with DCU Glee Society. All invited to join us in our Karaoke night. Come and have a good time with all of us and drink a beer (BYOD).

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Annual General Meeting 2023

Starts Tue 4th Apr 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG12 Henry Grattan Building


All committee positions up for election for the year 23/24. Being on committee is really rewarding and looks great on your CV so defo run for a position if you're interested!! We'll also be having a quick look back on the events we ran this year. Byob but pizza will be provided too so do pop by :) nos vemos allí

Feel free to message us for more info

? Tuesday 4th April @6pm
? CG12 Henry Grattan

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Salsa Workshop with Trinity Dance School

Starts Mon 3rd Apr 2023 at 18:30
Ends at 20:30
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The HIve U Building

Next week two instructors from Trinity Dance School will be teaching us Salsa and Bachata in a 2 hour workshop! The room is The Hive. Free entry. Max attendance is 50 for the room so get there as soon as you can. Nos vemos allí!

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Board Games Night

Starts Thu 23rd Mar 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: C135 Henry Grattan

Join us for a chill board games night this Thursday in C135 :) we'll have loads to choose from but bring your own board game if you would like to. pizza will be provided. Nos vemos allí!

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Noche de Trivia

Starts Wed 8th Mar 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 49 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG12 Henry Grattan

Join us in CG12 this Wednesday 8th March for a Spanish themed quiz night! Great prizes up for grabs including a 30 euro voucher for nubar. Free entry

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Clase de Salsa

Starts Thu 23rd Feb 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: SA106 Stokes (Engineering) Building

Join us in SA106 this Thursday 23rd at 6pm for a salsa class like no other! Two of our Latin American members Aldo and Manuela will be teaching us to dance salsa! Free for all members. As always, BYOB but light refreshments will be provided :)

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Noche de Karaoke

Starts Thu 16th Feb 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 20:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG05 Henry Grattan

Join us this Thursday 16th for an evening of Latin and Regaettón karaoke! CG05 in the Henry Grattan at 6pm in collaboration with French Soc. Followed by Diceys!

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Hora de Cafe

Starts Tue 15th Nov 2022 at 10:00
Ends at 12:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: The Hive U Building

We will be holding a coffee morning from 10-12h in the Hive on Tuesday 15th. Come along, tomar café y practicar el espanol!

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Motorcycle Diaries screening

Starts Fri 13th Nov 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

This Friday we're super excited to screen The Motorcycle Diaries! This brilliant film directed by Walter Salles is a dramatized version of Che Guevara and Alberto Granada's famous motorcycle adventure from their home country of Argentina around all of South America in the 50's, we'll be watching this film from our Discord server, in the events channel, looking forward to seeing you there!

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Beginners Spanish Classes

Starts Fri 13th Nov 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Our beginners classes continue as normal this Friday! The perfect way to give Spanish a try! See our news page for more details!

Afterwards, we'll be hosting a film screening of Diarios de Motocicleta, on our discord server!

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Flamenco Guitar Classes with DCU AIMS!

Starts Mon 9th Nov 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

We continue to explore Flamenco guitar with our beginners classes this Monday! Be sure to check our news page for more details about the event!

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Coco Film Screening

Starts Mon 2nd Nov 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

For Díá de Muertos this year we're super excited to be screening Coco! This brilliant animated film follows a young Miguel, who dreams of becoming an accomplished musician like his idol Ernesto de la Cruz, taking him to the magical depths of the land of the dead

See you there!

Pauric Leech

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Beginners Flamenco Guitar Workshop

Starts Mon 2nd Nov 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

We are super excited to present in co-operation with AIMS (Alternate and Indie Music Society) our classes in Flamenco Guitar! This iconic Spanish music style is loved the world over with Flamenco schools cropping up everywhere and with an increasingly international audience, there's never been a better time to dive into it! The classes are totally free and will give you a brilliant beginners foundation into Flamenco, getting you to understand what makes the music tick and how to play your very own original Flamenco solos!

I (Pauric Leech) will be teaching the classes, I've been playing Guitar for years but Flamenco since our January trip to Madrid! Its a great way to unwind and has been keeping me sane through the Covid-19 situation, and I'm looking forward to creating a great little space at DCU Spanish for anyone to give Flamenco a try! The classes are open to anyone with a Guitar or Ukelele, and outside of Class don't be afraid to send me a message on our Discord server with any questions!

All our workshops post their presentation slides to our discord server, so its never too late to join in!

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Beginner Spanish Lessons

Starts Fri 30th Oct 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Interested in picking up Spanish? Here at DCU Spanish Society we're more than willing to help you make that first step, for free! Our ever-popular Beginner Spanish Classes will be taking place every Friday this year at six! Taught by Global Business student Ciaran Brown!

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Learn to play Flamenco Guitar!

Starts Mon 26th Oct 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

We are super excited to present in co-operation with AIMS (Alternate and Indie Music Society) our first classes in Flamenco Guitar! This iconic Spanish music style is loved the world over with Flamenco schools cropping up everywhere and with an increasingly international audience, there's never been a better time to dive into it! The classes are totally free and will give you a brilliant beginners foundation into Flamenco, getting you to understand what makes the music tick and how to play your very own original Flamenco solos!

I (Pauric Leech) will be teaching the classes, I've been playing Guitar for years but Flamenco since our January trip to Madrid! Its a great way to unwind and has been keeping me sane through the Covid-19 situation, and I'm looking forward to creating a great little space at DCU Spanish for anyone to give Flamenco a try! The classes are open to anyone with a Guitar or Ukelele, and outside of Class don't be afraid to send me a message on our Discord server with any questions!

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Among us - En Español!

Starts Fri 23rd Oct 2020 at 20:00
Ends at 23:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Come join us for our first game night in Spanish on our discord server! Every Friday at 8pm we'll be hosting game nights, both Spanish-only events and mixed language events, we're super excited to kick it off with Among Us En Espanol!

Use the link below to join us on our discord server for it!

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EGM 2020 - Committee Elections!

Starts Thu 15th Oct 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 20:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Another year another EGM! We're looking forward to seeing you all again and to electing some new committee members! We're hoping to elect:

  • 2 Ordinary Members
  • 1 First Year Rep

We will also be starting off with a short presentation detailing some of our plans for this year, so be sure to attend!

¡Hasta Pronto!

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Quiz and Introductions!

Starts Fri 9th Oct 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Join us for our first event of the year! We're running a quiz on all things Spanish on our discord server!

There's a 20 euro prize for the winner, so be sure to give it a shot!

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