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All FLAC News Posted

Legal Information Clinic 2

Posted 30th Nov 2020
Author Emilija- PRO

Our last Free Legal Information Clinic of the semester will be held next Wednesday, 9th December at 6.30pm!

If anybody wishes to avail of free legal information, which is available to all of the public, you should fill in the appointment form here.

This service is completely confidential.

We will have one solicitor joining us for this clinic from A&L Goodbody, a large law firm in Ireland.

You can seek information on any area of law, whether it is a workplace related problem, criminal or property issue- we will have a panel of trained FLAC members along with help from a solicitor from A&L that will try their best to help you.

The zoom link is strictly for the panelists and members of the public that have an appointment. Once we receive your completed appointment form; we will send you the relevant zoom link through which you will be able to join the event.

See you all soon!!


Posted 9th Nov 2020
Author Emilija Radaviciute

Our Mock Clinic will be held on zoom on Wednesday, 11th November at 5.30-6.30pm.  You can use this link: https://dcu-ie.zoom.us/j/8853846659

We will have two solicitors joining us from A&L Goodbody- which we are very excited about.

The clinic will cover topic such as how to run a free legal advice clinic, how to give the advice and how to interact with clients- which will be very useful for those who qualify to be a panelist in the main clinic.

Again, attendance is mandatory for those who wish to qualify as a panelist for the clinics.

See you all soon!

FLAC Training session

Posted 2nd Nov 2020
Author Emilija Radaviciute

We will be hosting the second training session of the semester this Wednesday at 5.30 p.m. This session will feature information and training on Company Law and Property Law. 

There will be a general knowledge Kahoot Quiz, so make sure you bring a second device to Kahoot on!

Also, just a reminder that attendance is compulsory if you wish to qualify as a panelist in the clinic itself. 

We hope to be finished the session at 7 at the latest! 

You can get the link for the zoom meeting by using the following link-  dcuclubsandsocs.ie/society/flac and navigating to the 'upcoming events' section.

Hope to see you there, and we hope you enjoy!

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