Dungeons & Dragons Society

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All Dungeons & Dragons News Posted

Welcome to Dungeons & Dragons 2021/2022

Posted 3rd Sep 2021
Author Ryan McQuillan (PRO)

Welcome, once again to Dungeon's and Dragons Society !!

With the (god-willing) worst year behind us, we're hopeful that we can have a year with in-person events that will not require a computer screen. Things are in a bit of a gray area at this point, plans are being made but rest assured, that at the worst we will have a hybrid of in-person and online. Of course, things will proceed with safety of the utmost importance and if you're not vaccinated and you're able to, we implore you to do so !!

For Westmarches 2021/22, we are having a DM drive currently so if you're interested in getting to work behind the scenes of our campaign please get in contact with the society via our email or DM us on our social media. We shall hopefully have some fun things to announce concerning Westmarches soon !!

With that, let's wrap this up! Watch this space for new events and news items in the weeks to come!


Posted 5th Apr 2021
Author Ryan McQuillan (PRO)

Well, its finally time, we will be hosting our AGM on Discord this year. All positions are up for grabs in an AGM, with no prior experience necessary for roles other than Chairperson. So if you think you've got what it takes simply step up to the plate, explain why you should be chosen and we'll have an anonymous vote. ?

As a reminder positions include: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, PR Officer, Events Officer, Equipment Officer, Head DM, Two Ordinary Member roles For more information about any of these roles, simply message our page.? So, interested in shaping the D&D Soc Committee for the next year? Stay tuned on Tuesday the 20th, we'll be patiently waiting on Discord when the time comes and reminding folks on Social Media and in emails. Best of luck to anyone who decides to run !?

Merry Xmas, Adventurers!

Posted 20th Dec 2020
Author Laura Kelly (Chairperson)

Well, here we are, folks! 

When we began the year, I think every role player thought "Yeah! 2020! 2 Criticals! We got this!" and in the end, we all rolled a big fat 1! But we're here, and things are starting to have just a glimmer of hope for 2021. To everyone who showed up at our virtual events this semester, I want to give a huge thank you because, without the enthusiasm of our players, the amount of effort everyone pours into making their characters unique and having them play together in Westmarches, none of this would have been possible. I want to hand out another unbelievably huge thank you to the DM's this semester, we knew that this year would mean we could accommodate less players due to the nature of discord games, but I think we can all agree the DM's knocked it outta the fuckin' park with their levels of dedication and storytelling culminating into a nail-biting mid-season finale! I can't wait to find out what lies in store for Brinehold in semester 2! I want to thank our sponsors this year for sticking with us, now more than ever it's important to give as much business as possible to small hobby shops so thank you to Dakota Irish, Gamersworld and The Clockwork Door, if anyone is still looking for nerdy gifts this close to Christmas, or if you're just looking to burn through all the fivers you got in your xmas cards, check these lads out you will not regret it! And finally, thank you to everyone who contributed to the charity dice raffle this year! Thanks to your help over €120 was raised for ICHH and will go towards helping those most at need this Christmas. 

We have lived through history in the last year, and I know it's been rough for so many of us between the virus, the lockdowns, the isolation and just generally getting assignments in on time! But I hope that as many of you as possible were able to find comfort and a little bit of respite at our virtual tables. So, here's looking forward to a much better next year, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and we'll see you next semester! 

I'll leave you with this wonderful D&D themed Christmas Song, enjoy folks!

First Westmarches Update!

Posted 4th Nov 2020
Author Laura Kelly (Chairperson)

In the short time we've been active this semester, we've delivered our new players workshops, introductory games, a Halloween special and now the first Westmarches game of the year. With about 30 players and 6 DM's (Including Thursday's games), I'll call that a massive success and it is largely due to the enthusiasm of our players. To be frank, we weren't 100% sure what would happen this year. With all the uncertainty surrounding everything these days, we were bracing for a big drop in interest. We thought transitioning to online games might turn folks away or prove awkward and challenging. However, the fact that we're one of the few socs that can continue to deliver our events to a high standard online and the fact the response has been so positive from our players has left us feeling incredibly lucky and grateful! As such, there isn't much I can say except: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

With that in mind, we will continue to keep delivering a high standard to our players so that we can act as a safe harbour in what is definitely a stormy situation. We're also aware that despite a high turnout, we did have to turn away quite a few players this week and that sucks. The committee will be discussing this in future meetings, but we must remain firm on the 5 player limit per table for the foreseeable future. This is to ensure everyone at the table has a chance to be heard and enjoy the game, and it isn't an easy situation to fix without more DM's to facilitate more players. So if you really want to guarantee a spot at the next Westmarches, I'd very much recommend you look into becoming a DM! You'd be helping us out, helping your fellow players and learning a new skill that is sure to make you the popular one at all your tabletop events! 

Unfortunately, this week hasn't been completely happy for us, as we learned that our Equipment Manager, Jonathan Rea will need to be replaced on the committee. We will be hosting EGM #2 - Equipment Boogaloo on the 10th of November at 6pm. In addition to the usual Equipment-y related issues, we will be looking for someone with a decent grasp on Media Production to help with the Livestream and other content creation ventures this year, so if you know anyone who likes creating increasingly nerdy content, yell at them to join us! We would love to have them aboard!

That's it for this week, folks. See you at the next Westmarches session!

EGM Recap Article

Posted 16th Oct 2020
Author Ryan Mc Quillan (PRO)

Rebrand Time
We have a lovely new brand logo this year and as much as we loved the old logo, we couldn't risk the lawsuit.

Ahoy there, Westmarches !!
We are pirate themed this year, rejoice and accept parley, or become a stowaway. We'll be using sign up sheets to get slots in November (and you must be a register member of course)

Support local if you can !!
Dakota Irish, The Clockwork Door and Gamersworld can only continue business if we continue supporting them and playing DND.

First Year Rep
Sadhbh Cosgrove has been appointed as our First Year Rep, we are happy to have her !

EGM and New Player Workshops

Posted 6th Oct 2020
Author Laura Kelly (Chairperson)

We cannot tell you how encouraging it has been to see so many new faces already! For those of you who are new, usually we don't open recruitment and start to see new members until after the Clubs and Socs fair on week 3 of the normal semester. The fact that we have already achieved 50 members more or less without promoting ourselves is incredible and we cannot thank people enough for not only for being so friendly on our discord (hint, hint, plug plug, link on the main page!)  but for being so enthusiastic and passionate about the year to come. We genuinely feed off the energy and right now the entire committee is pumped to kick things off. 

With that in mind, aside from our Brawlhalla event taking place Wednesday, we are excited to inform everyone that our EGM will take place next Tuesday, the 13th at 6pm. The EGM is the first chance new members have to get the full rundown of the societies plans for the year as well as elect a First Year Rep to join the committee and help us shape the society going forward. We will also be unveiling our new setting and plans for the Westmarches 2020, following the ungraceful ending of last semesters fight with Clarence and his cult members. We would encourage everyone to pop onto the discord, enjoy the show and put their name forward for Rep if possible. Speaking as a former First Year Rep, it can be a very fulfilling and valuable experience. 

Following the EGM, our New Players Workshop will be held on the 14th at 6pm. Here we will explain the ins and outs of character creation, help you navigate the character sheet, explain stats and hopefully get folks started with a character they'll grow to love over the year. Just try not to get them killed in the first week! As always, our help and guidance is not limited to one night so if you can't make it down to this event but still want a D&D tutor, shoot us a message via this website, social media or discord. Our members are always happy to help! 

That's all for now folks, see you at the EGM.

- Laura, Chairperson, Mentor, Dear Leader

Welcome to Dungeons & Dragons

Posted 5th Sep 2020
Author Laura Kelly (Chairperson)

Welcome, one and all to Dungeon's and Dragons Soc!

It's a big year for us, new website, new committee, new world halting pandemic! Let's face it, it's not what any of us were expecting, but we will adapt and overcome. With that in mind, a big welcome to all of the new players joining us and a welcome back to all the players from previous years who have stuck around. With everything so up in the air right now, we hope that D&D soc can be a sanctuary for all to come, put on silly accents, roll some dice and forget their troubles for a while. We've always strived to be inclusive and friendly towards everyone who has graced our tables, this year more than ever we need to keep that up! 

That being said, safety has to be our primary concern going forward. With this in mind, we are announcing that for Semester 1, all games going forward will be hosted on our Discord channel and Roll20. If restrictions decrease we may consider adding socially distanced physical games, but in the interest of saving our players from unnecessary Con checks, this is the best option. We understand some people may feel uncomfortable in an online setting, which Is understandable, but we would urge everyone to pop down for a game or two to assuage any fears. Because of the online setting, party sizes will be limited at the DM's discretion and spaces are given out on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

We have cooked up a new setting for Westmarches 2020, which shall be revealed at the AGM and we can't wait to share with everyone. We have also created our new Intro video courtesy of the wonderful Bernie (AKA Callum Thomson, AKA Garf E. Eld the Tabaxi) letting all the new players know just what D&D Soc is about. 

With that, let's wrap this up! Watch this space for new events and news items in the weeks to come!

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