Climate Action and Sustainable Living Society

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All Climate Action and Sustainable Living Activities Hosted

This is a CURRENT activity

Weekly Walk

Day Mondays
From 14:00, to 15:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Albert College Park

Every Monday from 2pm, we're going head for a quick walk around Albert College Park, great chance to chill and hang out for a bit as well as getting some fresh air in. Our meeting point is near the coffee truck outside the U.

This is a CURRENT activity

Weekly Climate Café

Day Wednesdays
From 13:00, to 14:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: GLA. KA111 U Building

Climate cafés are a chance for all of us concerned about the ecological state of the world to have the space to talk about what we're feeling and make connections with others in the same boat. Every Wednesday, we watch a video about environmental issues and/or sustainable living and discuss our thoughts afterwards. Whether you become interested recently or for as long as you remember, it's a great space to learn and express yourself.

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