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ECHR Moot Competition

Starts Fri 21st Feb 2025 at 14:00
Ends at 18:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Upstairs of U Building

ELSA is holding our first ever moot competition!! The moot is going to be a different kind of moot as it follows the European Court of Human Rights style for the moot. There will be prizes for the winners and a fun way to get moot practice in as no experience is required and no memorial is required to be made prior to the event. The mooting will begin at 2pm, with the final round taking place at 6pm. You can register your interest by emailing here and we will have more details of the moot to follow next week.

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National Social Night

Starts Wed 5th Feb 2025 at 18:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 90 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Chaplins, 1-2 Hawkins St, D02K590

Collaboration Social event between ELSA DCU, ELSA Trinity, and ELSA National. A Great opportunity to meet different ELSA members from other college, year groups, and courses!

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Negotiation Competition

Starts Sat 18th Jan 2025 at 09:30
Ends at 17:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: First Floor of the U Building

The Negotiation Competition is an intervarsity competition aimed primarily at BCL/EPL/JH first and second years, but all ELSA members are welcome. Students form teams of two and a simulation such as a transaction will be released three days before and students will prepare an approach to negotiate for either the buyer or the seller. Students are judged on their tactics and approach as well as a reflective speech. These types of competitions are popular in universities across the world and part of Blackhall Place training.

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Movie Night

Starts Tue 26th Nov 2024 at 18:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 90 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG86 Glasnevin

ELSA is hosting a movie night to stream the beloved movie Legally Blonde, to celebrate international ELSA day and to celebrate women in law. The event is a great opportunity for students to take a break from their studying and join their friends to watch a movie.

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National Council Meeting

Starts Fri 22nd Nov 2024 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: C206 Grattan Building

Meeting used to elect dcu members to the national branch of ELSA. Run in coordination with national group with other elsa groups attending via google meet link. positions available for NCM are VP for Marketing for ELSA Ireland, and VP for Diversity & Inclusion for ELSA Ireland.

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Discover Deloitte

Starts Mon 18th Nov 2024 at 14:30
Ends at 17:00
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA115 U Building

This event is an in-depth panel discussion on Deloitte. It will be covering many aspects from what Deloitte, what Deloitte looks for in an application, what work Deloitte does and how to make yourself stand out as a candidate for Deloitte.

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WELS Application Workshop

Starts Thu 7th Nov 2024 at 15:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA115 Glasnevin

The event is a workshop and information sessions about the Law Schools ELSA provides across Europe during Summer and Winter. We will specifically be helping people with their applications for the upcoming Winter Law School.

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Introduction to Mooting

Starts Wed 30th Oct 2024 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 150 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Trinity College

An introductory workshop into Mooting. Open to all year groups but targeted specifically to first and second years. It is a great opportunity to learn about mooting and develop some skills so you can get involved in moot competitions in the future. The event is in collaboration with Trinity Law Society and Trinity FLAC.

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Social Night

Starts Tue 29th Oct 2024 at 19:30
Ends at 23:30
Max 90 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Cat & Cage Drumcondra

The first social event of the new semester with ELSA DCU and FLAC DCU. The event is an opportunity for both new and existing members of the societies to socialise and meet each other ahead of the other events being held this year. This is also an opportunity for committee members and society members to get to know each other in an informal setting.

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Dos and Donuts of Law

Starts Wed 16th Oct 2024 at 18:30
Ends at 19:30
Max 150 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: QG13 Business Building

Event with the purpose to help students become better law students. 

How to approach essays and exams and a Q&A with any unanswered questions

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ELSA Extraordinary General Meeting

Starts Wed 25th Sep 2024 at 15:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Cuilin Room KA113

Extraordinary General Meeting to elect four new positions into ELSA.

Positions are:

- 2x First Year Reps

- 1x OCM

- 1x VP for Competitions (pending EGM vote on creating this position)

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Starts Tue 2nd Apr 2024 at 14:30
Ends at 16:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA113 U Building

ELSA AGM- We are electing new committee members for the 2024/2025 for the academic year. 

All roles available 

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Madrid Foreign Travel

Starts Mon 26th Feb 2024 at 06:00
Ends Thu 29th Feb 2024 at 23:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Madrid Spain

We believe that this trip would be a great opportunity for our members to experience a different culture in a European Country. For this trip, we aim to visit both the Spanish Senate and the Spanish Congress both of which are free. These places will provide students with knowledge of Senate history, its present-day composition and day-to-day running. Also topics of democracy, parliament and constitution. We also plan on visiting the Royal Palace of Madrid and DEL PRADO MUSEUM and doing a tour to gain cultural insight. 

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Interview Tips For Internships and Place

Starts Thu 22nd Feb 2024 at 11:50
Ends at 12:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA115 U Building

Interview Workshop and Presentation with Caoimhe Cummins and Charlie McNeice talking to students how to approach interviews and their best tips 

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Madrid health & safety talk

Starts Tue 13th Feb 2024 at 15:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA115 U Building

Health and safety talk for Madrid

  • rules to be followed 

  • plan for trip daily activities 

  • encourage travel insurance 

  • introduce members to their buddy's leaders 

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Deloitte Mixer

Starts Mon 20th Nov 2023 at 14:30
Ends at 17:00
Max 150 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA115 U Building

This event is an in-depth panel discussion on Deloitte. It will be covering many aspects from what Deloitte, what Deloitte looks for in an application, what work Deloitte does and how to make yourself stand out as a candidate for Deloitte. 

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Starts Thu 16th Nov 2023 at 17:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG12 Henry Gratton

Talking about the Winter and Summer Law Schools that ELSA provide. To encourage students to look into them and apply

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Negotiation Workshop - Caoimhe Cummins

Starts Tue 17th Oct 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG04 Henry Gratton

Presentation on Negotiation and mediation techniques 

Given by Caoimhe Cummins past DCU student with negotiation experience ?


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Do and Donuts of Law

Starts Mon 16th Oct 2023 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 110 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG12 Henry Gratton

Event with the purpose to help students become better law students. 

How to approach essays and exams and a Q&A with any unanswered questions

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Lawless 2023

Starts Tue 3rd Oct 2023 at 19:00
Ends Wed 4th Oct 2023 at 00:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Back Page/ Diceys

Lawless Social Mixer for first-year students to meet other years with ELSA AND DCU LAW SOCIETY 

Meeting in the Back Page at 7:30  and then heading to Diceys Nightclub

Free entry to Diceys for the first 50 people who register and book there place !!!

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European Law Student Association

Starts Thu 28th Sep 2023 at 17:30
Ends at 19:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG05 Henry Gratton


Electing new committee members for 23/23 

First Year Reps and an Ordinary member to join the committee 

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Starts Tue 4th Apr 2023 at 17:30
Ends at 19:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: U Building KA113

Portions available

  • President 
  • sec gen 
  • vp for academic activites 
  • vp for marketing 
  • treasurer 
  • events officer 

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ELSA Lisbon.

Starts Wed 22nd Feb 2023 at 04:00
Ends Sat 25th Feb 2023 at 14:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: DCU- Lisbon

  Reason for Travel: How does this trip relate to your society activity? The European Law Students Association is an international organisation run by law students for law students. ELSA promotes developing your skills and acquiring new ones, interacting with other law students from other states and gaining a greater understanding of other legal systems and how they interact with ours. ELSA understands the importance of international relations and seeks to provide its members with as much experience of other cultures and legal systems as possible. We believe that this trip would be a great opportunity for our members to experience a different culture in a European Country. We choose Lisbon due to its array of interesting historical sites relating back to important times in Portugal’s past and many other cultural sites of significance. We intend on visiting the Portuguese Parliament for a guided tour of the Palace as well as visiting some of the many museums in Lisbon. We also plan on reaching out to the ELSA Branch in Lisbon.

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ELSA Health and Safety Trip Talk.

Starts Mon 13th Feb 2023 at 17:30
Ends at 19:00
Max 22 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA 115 U Building

talk all members through the trip plan. Hand out emergency contact info for trip.Also make everyone aware of the strict guidelines to be followed- e.g drugs and alcohol policy.

Make sure students are aware to make constant contact with buddie leaders.

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Life as a Barrister

Starts Wed 16th Nov 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:30
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: C206 (Moot Court Room)

Guest Speakers Sara and Aoife talking about life as a Barrister.

advice of public speaking and there involvement in making the Bar a safe work environment.

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Law Pong ELSA

Starts Mon 14th Nov 2022 at 20:00
Ends at 23:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: NuBar- U Building

European Law Students first social mixer for all years. 

Meeting in Nubar to have a bit of fun and play a few games. 

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Starts Tue 1st Nov 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG05- Henry Gratton

Talking about the Winter and Summer Law Schools that ELSA provide. To encourage students to look into them and apply

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Starts Wed 19th Oct 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: KA115- The U


Electing New Committee Members, welcoming all members and years. 

  • First Year Rep 1st year BCL
  • First Year Rep  1st year EPL/Joint Honors 
  • Ordinary Member 
  • Ordinary Member/STEP

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Do and Don(u)ts of Law

Starts Thu 13th Oct 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:30
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG05 Henry gratton

Event with the purpose to help students become better law students. 

How to approach essays and exams and a Q&A with any unanswered questions 

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First Year Mixer

Starts Thu 29th Sep 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:30
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Henry Gratton- CGO5


Hosting a mixer and get to know each other event for first years, 

They are new to college and this would be a fun interactive way to get to know each other. 

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Starts Wed 30th Mar 2022 at 17:00
Ends at 18:30
Max 18 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: K103 Clubs


We will be electing new committee members. 

This event will be held online and in person

the room will only be used by current committee members 

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Law Hero ELSA

Starts Thu 10th Mar 2022 at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG86 Henry Gratton

Jennifer O Sullivan guest speaker coming in to talk to students

Giving advice on CV tips how to make it stand out 

Advice for interviews best way to approach

Talking about Fe1s Exams 

and finally a Q&A 

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Right To Silence

Starts Tue 25th Jan 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:45
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG86- Henry Gratton

Two guest speakers- Professor Yvonne Daly lecture at DCU and Eoghan O'Sullivan criminal defense lawyer in KOD Lyons.

The event will include, Professor Daly talking about her research in criminal and evidence law. It will create an open discussion amongst people and will bring awareness and highlight important and topical issues. 

Further, the second speaker Eoghan O'Sullivan will discuss his journey to becoming a criminal defense lawyer. It will be important and helpful for students considering that pathway in law. 

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Law 101- Ciara Ramsbottom

Starts Mon 15th Nov 2021 at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: CG86- Henry Gratton

Law 101

This event discusses and deals with all law problems law students would experience. Our guest speaker Ciara will speak about her tips and give advice to answering problem and essay-based questions. She will give advice on how to take notes, how to study for exams etc. 

Furthermore, she will discuss her top tips for the DCU Moot competition as a previous winner herself. Talk through how she planned, her moot, and other concerning factors. Finally, it will conclude with an open Q&A where students can ask questions that were not answered for them. Examples are what is life like after completing your college Law degree.

This event aims, to help boost all students' confidence and give them as many tips and guidance they can use to benefit themselves. 

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Starts Mon 11th Oct 2021 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Henry Gratton CG86

Dear Members

Welcome to DCU, and thank you for joining ELSA. I wish you all the best in the upcoming academic year, and as always, you can send us an email if you are finding any issues entering into University life. 

As members, you are invited to our EGM tomorrow at 6:30 pm in CG86 (Henry Gratton Building) to elect some of our new committee members. We encourage all first and second years to take part and put themselves forward for a role on our committee. Even if you feel nervous, challenge yourself, there is no pressure, but this could be an invaluable experience that could help you boost your confidence in job interviews in the future. 

Open positions

1st year BCL Rep 

1st year Joint/Honours or EPL rep 

Ordinary member (any year can apply)

STEP/Ordinary Member (any year can apply) 

VP for Marketing (Social media) 

I would strongly encourage any member to join the committee, make your DCU experience something different and set yourself apart when growing your future career. 

For the meeting and running for a committee position, please think of a few words to put yourself forward for a role. 

Many thanks, and I look forward to meeting you all! 

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Starts Thu 8th Apr 2021 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Join ELSA DCU for our AGM this Thursday! It's crazy it is that time of year again where the new committee for the academic year 21/22 will be elected. You can run for any of the positions that are advertised. We hope to see you all there.

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ELSA Law Hero Event

Starts Wed 2nd Dec 2020 at 18:30
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

ELSA DCU are hosting an event to help you improve your legal writing skills. We are hosting Jennifer O’Sullivan and Dr Rónán Condon so that they can answer any questions you might have about your upcoming exams and assignments. Feel free to DM us with any questions you may want answered on the night. If you wish to join the society you can sign up though the link in our bio and you can follow the same link to sign up for this event

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Mercy Law Resource Centre

Starts Tue 3rd Nov 2020 at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Discussion on providing legal aid to homeless people or those on the fringe of homelessness in Ireland.

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Irish Penal Reform Trust Speaker Event

Starts Wed 28th Oct 2020 at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

ELSA DCU are presenting our first speaker event of the year!! We will be receiving a talk from the Irish penal Reform Trust to answer all of the hard question about the Irish prison system. We hope to see you all there. 

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Starts Wed 14th Oct 2020 at 18:30
Ends at 20:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

ELSA DCU is holding it's annual EGM virtually this year. In this meeting, the committee will discuss their roles and what we each do for the society and its members. We will also be discussing what we are planning to do for the upcoming academic year to make your ELSA experience the best it can be. Also, there will be an election for members to become a part of the committee so don't miss out for your chance to become a member of the biggest student run law organisation in the world run by students for students!

Positions available:

  • First Year BCL Representative;
  • First Year BA/EPL Representative; and
  • Ordinary Member.

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First Year Social Mixer

Starts Wed 7th Oct 2020 at 20:00
Ends at 22:30
Type VIRTUAL Event

ELSA DCU have put together a fun and interactive social event for all of our new first year members. Our goal is to break the ice and to help form friendships that will last a lifetime whilst having the most fun possible. Come and join us for a social night you'll all love whilst meeting fellow first years!

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