SVP works to support families in need during the Christmas period. By donating we can help those under financial pressure, ensuring every family can celebrate Christmas

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HeadstARTS Society

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2020/2021 DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Society Life

All HeadstARTS Events Ran

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

HeadstARTs AGM

Starts Tue 4th Oct 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Henry Grattan

Our EGM will be this Tuesday the 29th of March both in-person and via zoom!

Come along to learn more about HeadstARTs or run for a committee position!

We will be electing the following positions for our committee:

  • Events officer
  • PRO
  • Class Co-ordinators 
  • Treasurer 
  • Secretary
  • and more

Join us on Tuesday to run for a position or to just come and find out what we have in store for this year!

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

HeadstARTs AGM

Starts Tue 29th Mar 2022 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Henry Grattan

Our EGM will be this Tuesday the 29th of March both in-person and via zoom!

Come along to learn more about HeadstARTs or run for a committee position!

We will be electing the following positions for our committee:

  • Chairperson
  • Vice-chairperson
  • Events officer
  • PRO
  • Class Co-ordinators 
  • Treasurer 
  • Secretary  

Join us on Tuesday to run for a position or to just come and find out what we have in store for this year!

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

Volunteer bonding night

Starts Tue 19th Oct 2021 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Max 25 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: St.Pats Campus

Join us at 6pm on Tuesday 19th of October for our Volunteer bonding night!

Come along to meet the committee, get to know your fellow volunteers, learn more about HeadstARTs & enjoy some snacks!

We are also still looking to fill some positions such as the art, dance & drama coordinators, if you are interested in any of these roles come along on Tuesday and run for the position!

This is a PAST event
For archive information only!

HeadstARTs EGM

Starts Tue 20th Oct 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 19:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Our EGM will be this Tuesday the 20th of October via zoom!

We will be electing volunteers for the following positions:

  • First year rep
  • Pats rep
  • Events officer
  • Member coordinator
  • Dance liaison officer
  • Art coordinator    

Join us on Tuesday to run for a position or to just come and find out what we have in store for this year!

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