2024/2025 | DCU Award: Best Club Promotional Video |
2023/2024 | DCU Award: Best Club Poster or Graphic |
2023/2024 | DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Club Life |
2022/2023 | DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Club Life |
2021/2022 | DCU Award: Best Club Poster |
2020/2021 | DCU Award: Club of the Year |
2020/2021 | DCU Award: Best Club Poster |
2020/2021 | DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Club Life |
Starts | Tue 25th Mar 2025 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 80 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
The club's annual general meeting to elect a new committee, acknowledge achievements from the year, and have the whole club together before members start disappearing off to exams and projects, and other things that are less fun that climbing.
Starts | Tue 18th Feb 2025 at 17:00 |
Ends | at 18:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We will be doing an hour of yoga in the sports hall from 5-6pm on Tuesday the 18th of February, followed by optional climbing during our open session between 6 and 8pm!
Starts | Fri 11th Oct 2024 at 16:00 |
Ends | Sun 13th Oct 2024 at 16:00 |
Cost | € 30.00 |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
A weekend trip to glendalough county wicklow, where we will do some outdoor boulering and rope climbing under the supervision of qualified Rock Climbing Instructors. It is a great way for new climbers to experience outdoor climbing while also being able to socialise and meet new people from the club.
Starts | Tue 24th Sep 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 120 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us for our first big event of the year! Meet the club and the committee, and maybe even join yourself. We'll be going over our plans for the year and holding elections for some committee positions. There'll be good craic, good people, and free pizza.
Get to CG12 on Tuesday the 24th, and afters in Nubar.
Starts | Fri 8th Mar 2024 at 18:00 |
Ends | Sun 10th Mar 2024 at 15:00 |
Cost | € 35.00 |
Max | 22 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We will be spending a weekend in the Irish Mountaineering Club Hut in Glendalough. During the weekend we will do some outdoor bouldering and outdoor rope climbing under the supervision of two RCI instructors.
This trip will give members a great oppurtunity to experience unique climbing with great instructors and members will be able to learn many skills.
We will be getting a private coach from the Helix to Glendalough at 6pm on Friday the 8th of March and we will bereturning at 3pm on Sunday the 10th of March.
Starts | Fri 16th Feb 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | Sun 18th Feb 2024 at 18:00 |
Cost | € 35.00 |
Max | 22 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
From February 16th -18th DCU Rock CLimbing CLub will be taking part in the 2024 Rock Climbing Intervarsity Competition. This is open to all members as there are competitions for beginners to advanced climbers. THe trip will cost 35 euro which includes transport, accommodation, and the entry fee into the competition.
Starts | Fri 17th Nov 2023 at 17:00 |
Ends | Sat 18th Nov 2023 at 21:00 |
Cost | € 30.00 |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
DCU Rock Climbing will be heading to Awesome Walls Cork to take part in the 2nd round of the Irish Bouldering League on November 18th 2023. We will be leaving Dublin the evening beforehand (Nov 17th). The event will cost members 30 euro to sign up which will cover the entry fee, accommodation, and return tickets from Dublin to Cork. We will be spending approximately 6 hours in the climbing gym in Cork on the 18th and then we will be returning to Dublin in the evening of the 18th. This trip will consist of a single night stay in Cork.
Starts | Fri 17th Feb 2023 at 15:00 |
Ends | Sun 19th Feb 2023 at 21:15 |
Cost | € 50.00 |
Max | 10 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
17th February 2023 Meet at 3pm at Connolly station - Train to Belfast
Talk with Iain Miller at 7pm that night in QUB
18th February 2023 10am- 6pm: Boulderworld Belfast Unit 1, Boucher Business Centre, Apollo Rd, Belfast BT12 6HP
19th February 2023 10-5pm: Indoor Tennis Arena and Ozone Complex Ormeau Embankment, Belfast BT6 8LT
9pm - Return to Connolly
Starts | Fri 25th Nov 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | Sat 26th Nov 2022 at 21:00 |
Cost | € 30.00 |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This event is a trip to Cork City for members to participate in Round 2 of the Irish Bouldering League (IBL). This is an annual event and very much looking forward to continuing it again this year!
We will be departing on Friday evening from Dublin City centre for Cork on a bus. We'll be staying at a hostel for the night, and then visiting Awesome Walls Cork for the competition and depart on Saturday evening from Cork to return to Dublin. The cost of the trip is estimated to be around €30 and includes accommodation, transport and entry to the competition/climbing centre.
We will be visiting a commercial gym with instructors on site, and will be completing a mandatory bouldering induction and signing a waiver. As such, no external instructor will be necessary to be present for this trip. Two committee members in attendance on the trip also work for Awesome Walls Dublin and have received Awesome Walls in-house training as instructors.
Starts | Fri 28th Oct 2022 at 16:00 |
Ends | Sun 30th Oct 2022 at 19:00 |
Cost | € 35.00 |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This event is a planned weekend trip to Glendalough from the 21st to the 23rd of October. It will be open to all in the club and we will be departing from DCU on the Friday evening. Saturday will include a hike to the climbing spot and a full day of climbing. We will then be returning to the Irish Mountaineering Hut where we will be staying and having dinner there. Sunday will entail of another possible hike/boulder session before returning to DCU Sunday evening.
Starts | Sat 26th Feb 2022 at 12:00 |
Ends | Sun 27th Feb 2022 at 17:00 |
Cost | € 35.00 |
Max | 18 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Climbing intervarsity's in Dublin climbing Centre, a competition between colleges as they battle it out to get the mighty brick trophy.
Starts | Tue 26th Oct 2021 at 20:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Starts | Thu 7th Oct 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 55 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Come and get to know more about the club, committee, and meet new members at our EGM. We will be electing some positions like First Year Rep and Ordinary Members, so if you'd like to get involved in the club or even just meet some new people, this would be a great event to attend!
Starts | Tue 5th Oct 2021 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 56 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Starts | Fri 24th Sep 2021 at 13:00 |
Ends | at 14:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This week we are running an awesome intro event to get everyone together. This Friday in the tent at the lawn (near Glasnevin O'Reilly library) from 1-2! There will be some slacklining, hangboarding and more!
Everyone is welcome and we would absolutely love to see your lovely faces in person so be sure to pop down!
Starts | Thu 22nd Oct 2020 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Come and get to know more about the club, committee, and meet new members at our EGM. We will be electing some positions like First Year Rep and Ordinary Members, so if you'd like to get involved in the club this would be a great event to attend! There will also be some giveaways involved!
Starts | Thu 15th Oct 2020 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Our first event of the year! At 7pm we will be holding a quiz on Zoom as an intro to Rock Climbing and a way to introduce the spirit and community of our club as best we can! This will be a great way to meet some of the other members, and there are some Just Eat vouchers up for grabs! We look forward to meeting you.
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