Karting Society

Best Society
Winner 2024/2025

Best Society Event
Winner 2024/2025 ("Women's Karting Open")

Best Society Publicity Campaign
Winner 2024/2025 ("Women's Karting Open")

Best Society Poster or Graphic
Winner 2024/2025 ("Introducing the Women's Karting Open")

Individual Contribution to Society Life
Winner 2024/2025 (Aaron Dylan Ingram)

Always Chasing the Chequered Flag

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Karting Links
Awards Roll of Honour
2024/2025 DCU Award: Best Society
2024/2025 DCU Award: Best Society Event
2024/2025 DCU Award: Best Society Publicity Campaign
2024/2025 DCU Award: Best Society Poster or Graphic
2024/2025 DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Society Life
2023/2024 DCU Award: Best Society Promotional Video
2023/2024 DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Society Life
2022/2023 DCU Award: Best Society in a Cultural/Academic/Social Field
2022/2023 DCU Award: Best Society Event
2022/2023 DCU Award: Best Society Photo
2022/2023 DCU Award: Individual Contribution to Society Life
Upcoming Event 1
Only logged in / active Karting Society members can book / attend this event
no image DCU Karting's AGM
Tue 1st Apr at 18:00
at 21:00
Location: DCU Glasnevin CG05
Meeting: CG05

We will be holding our AGM on Tuesday, 1st of April  in CG05

The meeting will run from 18:00 to approx. 20:00.

Here we will be electing the committee for the next academic year 2025-2026, so it is a great chance for our members to get more involved with the society.

no image

DCU Karting's AGM

Starts Tue 1st Apr at 18:00
Ends at 21:00
Max 60 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: DCU Glasnevin CG05
Meeting Point: CG05

We will be holding our AGM on Tuesday, 1st of April  in CG05

The meeting will run from 18:00 to approx. 20:00.

Here we will be electing the committee for the next academic year 2025-2026, so it is a great chance for our members to get more involved with the society.

Weekly Activity 1
Only logged in / active Karting Society members can book / attend this activity
DCU Karting's Virtual F1 League
Location: https://discord.com/invite/BGVvNdDmcF

F1 Racing League -  Hosted by DCU Karting

Starting Monday 6th October!

Every Monday at 7 pm
This racing league will include the following:

  • Full race calendar
  • 50% races with a short qualifying
  • Reduced damage
  • Random weather

Join our discord, the lobby will be posted there where you must enter the voice channel to race!

DCU Karting's Virtual F1 League

Day Mondays
From 19:00, to 20:30
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: https://discord.com/invite/BGVvNdDmcF

F1 Racing League -  Hosted by DCU Karting

Starting Monday 6th October!

Every Monday at 7 pm
This racing league will include the following:

  • Full race calendar
  • 50% races with a short qualifying
  • Reduced damage
  • Random weather

Join our discord, the lobby will be posted there where you must enter the voice channel to race!

Promo Video
About Karting Society

DCU Karting is certainly one of the more thrilling and exciting societies out there! We offer regular karting trips to our members as well as the opportunity to have fun and make new friends. So if you are just interested in racing your friends around one of the many exciting tracks we attend around the country then you're more than welcome here! We are a society made up of all types, from serious racers to casual drivers, absolute petrol heads to complete beginners, we welcome everyone no matter their ability or experience.

DCU Karting was the recipient of the Best Society, Best Society Event, and Best Society Photo at the 2022/2023 Clubs & Socs Awards - we offer a unique experience that cannot be matched!

For the more serious racers, we also enter a team into the annual karting intervarsity. This is a championship between many of the colleges around the country so if you want to represent DCU while also getting involved in close wheel to wheel racing with the best then be sure to join and show us your skills.

Our society is also made up of many F1 fans so if you want the opportunity to talk F1, the karting society is the place to be!

Semester 1:

EGM/Social Mixer - 25th September
Pub Quiz - 3rd October
WhiteRiver Karting - 9th/10th October
SSI Intervarsity Championship Round 1: Nutts Corner  - 17th October
Kart-aoke (with DCU Drama) - 29th October
Brazil F1 Watchparty - 3rd November
Lyons Karting - 6th November
SSI Intervarsity Championship Round 2: WhiteRiver Club - 9th November
Kylemore Karting - 19th November

Semester 2:

Kiltorcan Raceway - 22nd January
Music Bingo - 29th January
Whiteriver Karting 2 - 12th February
COMING SOON - 18th February
SSI Intervarsity Championship Round 3: KartWorld Cork - 20th February
Midlands Karting - 5th March
SSI Intervarsity Championship Round 4: WhiteRiver International - 13th March
Kylemore Karting 2 - 20th March
Annual General Meeting - TBC (Week 11)

Current Committee 14
Chairperson Shane Murphy
Vice Chairperson Eoghan Smithers
Secretary Oana
Treasurer Sarah Mc Mahon(She/Her)
Safety Officer (name hidden)
Public Relations Officer Aaron Dylan Ingram(He/Him)
Brand Design Officer (name hidden)
Events Officer Katherine Monica Mc Bride
First Year Rep (name hidden)
Motorsport Officer (name hidden)
Ordinary Member (name hidden)
Ordinary Member (name hidden)
Sponsorship Officer Coel
Trips Officer Michael Hegarty

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