Wishing you all a fantastic summer break and look forward to seeing you all in September
From the Clubs & Societies Support and Finance teams.
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An Cumann Gaelach

Bí beo, bí Gaelach!

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About An Cumann Gaelach

Anseo chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn i measc na hollscoile. 

We are the Irish language society in DCU, open to speakers of all levels - Maybe you want to add your cúpla focal in a social setting, well there's not better way! Más Gaeilgeoir líofa thú agus tá ag cuartú áite chun an teanga a úsáid go rialta, tá tú san áit cheart! 

The best way to keep a language alive is to speak it - Beatha teanga í a labhairt! We are here to give you the opportunity to learn more about the language in the best way possible - using it in your everyday life.

Getting involved means you'll be able to sharpen up your skills, but more importantly, confidence - for both the Irish students who have an oral exam to do, and the people who want to get involved with the giant community of Gaeilgeoirí worldwide!

Current Committee 7
Chairperson Kate Rayel
Secretary Carla Reilly
Treasurer Mary Elizabeth Nally
Ordinary Committee Member Eoin
Public Relations Officer Siobhra Behan
Leaschathaoirleach Jamie Carroll
Ordinary Committee Member Michael Gheorghe Cucuiet Finn

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